(Located in 146 RAL)
A multi-nuclear, 500-MHz, 5-mm, solutions NMR spectrometer limited to existing, authorized NMR users. Prospective users need to be checked out as standard NMR users before submitting samples to the Carver B500. In addition, users need to establish an account on the Carver B500 with the NMR Staff, and be trained on automation by the Staff or a trained member of their group.
Available probes:
The BBFO CryoProbe typically in the magnet is a 5-mm broadband probe, operating at room temperature. This probe enables us to do 1H-19F correlation-type experiments, but it does not allow us to perform heteronuclei (e.g., 13C)-19F correlation experiments. In addition, a standby, room temperature, broadband probe is otherwise available.
General Capabilities:
This Bruker 500 MHz spectrometer is equipped with a CryoProbe and SampleXpress autosampler. Sample loading, tuning, locking, shimming and data acquisition are all automated. Users select NMR experiments and parameters from menus.
Host Computer:
Linux (CentOS 7) running Bruker TopSpin 3.6.2 and IconNMR.
Major funding for this acquisition was provided by the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust of Muscatine, Iowa. We gratefully acknowledge their generous support.