All results for elemental analysis are calculated based on a known value of a standard. A computer then calculates the ratio of the sample output to the standard output to arrive at a value. The standards used are all traceable back to NIST primary standards and all instruments are checked with a NIST primary standards on a regular basis to assure day to day accuracy of results.
All results, unless noted otherwise, will be reported as % by weight.
- CHN Analysis
- Exeter Analytical CE 440
- Exeter Analytical CE 440
- ICP Analysis
- Halide Analysis
- Thermo Scientific *Orin* Ion Selective Electrodes
- Bromide Combination Probe
- Chlorine Combination Probe
- Fluoride Combination Probe
- Iodide Combination Probe
- Fisher Scientific Accumet pH/Ion meter 25
- Schöniger oxygen combustion flask
- Thermo Scientific *Orin* Ion Selective Electrodes
- Thermal Analysis
- Surface Analyser
- SmartVac Degasser
- 3Flex Analyzer